Myofascial Release
Yamuna Body Rolling (YBR)
The goal of Yamuna Body Rolling is consistent with that of Pilates. Just as Joseph Pilates sought to create space in the joints to decrease the effects of gravity and maintain pain-free physical longevity, so did Yamuna Zake when she created Yamuna Body Logic (YBL) nearly 30 years. YBR was born out of YBL, but the goals are the same. Yamuna Body Rolling uses strategically sized balls of certain densities to stimulate the fascial matrix, elongate muscles fibers, and improve bone density. The balls can be used alone or along with manually applied pressure. The result is improved blood circulation, decreased chance of nerve impingement, increased joint mobility, and proper, natural alignment of the bones and their muscular attachments.
I provide Yamuna balls during our session. However, I do encourage those working with me to obtain their own private set so that they can receive the Yamuna benefits whenever they’re feeling tight, inflamed, achey, or general tension. I have been certified in YBR since 2013 and provide group classes as well.